Lipstick Plant: Care & Fast Grow

Lipstick Plant

Lipstick plants are popular and striking evergreen tropical houseplants. They get their name from the vibrant red and tubular flowers that appear above a burgundy bud.

These flowers grow in clusters and, along with the waxy, glossy, green foliage, they have a cascading, vine-like habit. This makes them an ideal choice for use in hanging baskets or tall containers.

The vibrant red and tubular flowers that appear on a Lipstick Plant are one of its most distinguishing features. These flowers grow in clusters and can be a striking addition to any room.

Lipstick Plant Plant Features

Lipstick Plant

The Lipstick Plant is an evergreen tropical plant that has striking red flowers. The flowers grow in clusters and have a cascading, vine-like habit, which makes them ideal for use in hanging baskets or tall containers. Along with the waxy, glossy, green foliage, the Lipstick Plant is a beautiful addition to any home.

Botanical NameAeschynanthus Radicans
Common Namelipstick vine, Lipstick plant
Plant TypeVine
Plant ColorGreen
Flower ColorRed
Mature Size3 ft. long
Soil TypeWell-drained
Soil pHNeutral, alkaline
Bloom TimeSpring, fall, summer

Lipstick Plant Growing Instructions

Lipstick plants are easy to grow and make beautiful additions to any home. They thrive in warm, humid environments and require very little care. With just a little bit of TLC, you can have these stunning plants blooming all year long!

Here are some tips on how to grow lipstick plants:

Lipstick Plant Care

Lipstick plants are easy to care for and make a beautiful addition to any home. Here are a few tips to keep your plant healthy and looking its best:

Light for Lipstick Plant

Lipstick plants need plenty of light to produce their vibrant flowers. Place your plant in a spot where it will receive bright, indirect sunlight. If you are growing your plant in a pot, make sure to rotate it regularly so that the entire plant can get adequate light.

Soil for Lipstick Plant

When it comes to Lipstick Plants, there are a few key things to consider when it comes to soil. Make sure to use a well-draining potting mix that is high in organic matter. Lipstick Plants like lots of humidity, so you can also add some water to the potting mix before planting.

Water for Lipstick Plant

  • Lipstick Plants need a lot of water to keep their glossy, green foliage looking its best.
  • You can water Lipstick Plants from the top or bottom, but make sure to let the soil dry out between waterings.
  • Lipstick Plants like high humidity, so you can mist them with water regularly or place them in a humid room.

Temperature and Humidity for Lipstick Plant

Temperature and humidity are important factors to consider when growing Lipstick Plants. Lipstick Plants prefer a warm, humid environment, with temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. In dry climates, it is important to mist Lipstick Plants regularly to increase humidity.

Fertilizer for Lipstick Plant

Lipstick Plant

There are a variety of fertilizers that can be used on Lipstick Plant. The three most common are water-soluble, time-released, or liquid fertilizers.

Water-soluble fertilizers should be diluted with water and applied every two weeks. Time-released fertilizers come in tablet or pellet form and should be applied every month. Liquid fertilizers can be applied every two weeks and are usually mixed with water.

When choosing a fertilizer, it is important to select one that has a high phosphorus content. This will help promote blooming.

Lipstick Plants are heavy feeders and will benefit from being fertilized on a regular basis. However, it is important not to over-fertilize, as this can cause leaf burn.

The best time to fertilize Lipstick Plants is in the spring and summer when they are actively growing. However, they can be fertilized year-round if needed. If you live in a cold climate, it is best to wait until the plant is brought inside for the winter before fertilizing.

When applying fertilizer, be sure to follow the directions on the package. Over-fertilizing can damage the plant and even kill it. If you are unsure of how much fertilizer to use, it is always better to err on the side of using less rather than more.


Pruning Lipstick Plants is an important part of keeping them healthy and looking their best. There are a few things to keep in mind when pruning Lipstick Plants:

  1. Cut back dead or damaged branches using sharp scissors
  2. Remove any flowers that have finished blooming
  3. Prune to maintain the desired shape of the plant

Lipstick Plants can be pruned year-round as needed. However, they should not be pruned too severely, as this can damage the plant.

It is also important to sterilize your scissors before and after pruning Lipstick Plants. This will help prevent the spread of disease.

To sterilize your scissors, simply wipe them down with a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water.

Lipstick Plant Propagation

Lipstick Plant

Lipstick Plant Propagation can be done a few different ways: by rooting a stem cutting, using water to propagate, or dividing the plant.

Each of these methods has its own set of instructions that should be followed carefully.


A Lipstick Plant is a popular houseplant because it is easy to care for and has beautiful, red flowers. Lipstick Plants can get diseases, though, if they are not taken care of properly. Some common diseases include:

Mold: This fungus can grow on the leaves and flowers of the Lipstick Plant. It can cause the leaves to turn yellow and the flowers to drop off.

Powdery mildew: This fungus can also grow on the leaves and flowers of the Lipstick Plant. It will cause the leaves to become covered in white powder.

Leaf spot: This disease is caused by bacteria or fungi and will cause spots on the leaves of the Lipstick Plant. The spots can be any color, but they are usually brown or black.

If you think your Lipstick Plant has any of these diseases, take it to a plant doctor or nursery to get it diagnosed and treated.


Insects: Lipstick Plants are often attacked by insects, such as aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. These pests can cause damage to the leaves and flowers of the plant.

Mites: Lipstick Plants can also be infected by mites. Mites are tiny creatures that can cause the leaves of the Lipstick Plant to turn yellow and drop off.

Lipstick Plant Varieties

There are several Lipstick Plant Varieties to choose from, each with its own unique look and care requirements. Some of the most popular varieties include:

Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant

The Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant is a popular and striking evergreen tropical houseplant. It gets its name from the vibrant red and tubular flowers that appear above a burgundy bud.

 Cassiopeia Lipstick Plant

The Cassiopeia Lipstick Plant is a popular and striking evergreen tropical houseplant. It gets its name from the vibrant red and tubular flowers that appear above a burgundy bud. These flowers grow in clusters and, along with the glossy, green foliage, they have a cascading, vine-like habit.

 Curly Q Lipstick Plant

The Curly Q Lipstick Plant is a popular and striking evergreen tropical houseplant. It gets its name from the vibrant red and tubular flowers that appear above a burgundy bud. These flowers grow in clusters and, along with the waxy, glossy, green foliage, they have a cascading, vine-like habit.

This makes them an ideal choice for use in hanging baskets or tall containers. Lipstick Plants are easy to care for and make a beautiful addition to any home.

 Krakau Lipstick Plant

The Krakau lipstick plant has bright red flowers and dark green leaves.

 Mini Variegated Lipstick Plant color and flower

Lipstick Plant

The Mini Variegated Lipstick Plant is a small succulent with brightly colored leaves and flowers. The leaves come in shades of pink, red, yellow, and green, and the flowers are a deep pink or purple.

 Mona Lisa Lipstick Plant

The Mona Lisa Lipstick Plant is a beautiful flower that can be found in many gardens. It has bright red petals that look like lipstick, hence the name. This plant is easy to care for and is a popular choice for home gardens.

 Purple Star Lipstick Plant

The Lipstick Plant is a beautiful addition to any garden. It has dark purple leaves that are almost metallic in appearance. The plant grows tall and produces star-shaped flowers that are a deep pink color.

 Rasta Lipstick Plant

Also called twisted lipstick plant because the road has unusual curved leaves and rich flowers.

 Red Lipstick Plant

The Red Lipstick Plant is a beautiful flower that can be found in many gardens. It has unusual curved leaves and rich red flowers.

 Tangerine Lipstick Plant

Lipstick Plant

The Tangerine Lipstick Plant is a beautiful flower that can be found in many gardens. It has unusual curved leaves and rich tangerine flowers.

 Variegated Lipstick Plant

 Lipstick Plants are beautiful flowers that come in many different colors. They are easy to care for and make a great addition to any garden.

Is Lipstick Plant Poisonous To Cats?

Yes, the Lipstick Plant is poisonous to cats. The Lipstick Plant contains cardiac glycosides, which are toxins that can affect a cat’s heart.
If a cat consumes any part of a Lipstick Plant, they may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and difficulty breathing. If you think your cat has ingested a Lipstick Plant, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

Why Are The Leaves Falling Off My Lipstick Plant?

There could be many reasons why the leaves are falling off a lipstick plant. One possibility is that the plant is not getting enough water. Make sure the soil is consistently moist, but not wet.
Another possibility is that the plant is not getting enough light. Lipstick plants need plenty of bright light to stay healthy. If the leaves are falling off and the plant is not getting enough of either water or light, it is likely that the plant will not survive.

How Do I Get My Lipstick Plant Houseplant To Bloom?

If you want your Lipstick Plant to bloom, you will need to provide it with enough sunlight. Lipstick Plants prefer bright, direct sunlight, so place it in a south- or west-facing window.

Final thought

Lipstick plants are beautiful, easy-care plants that can add a splash of color to any room. With a variety of colors and leaf shapes available, there’s sure to be a lipstick plant that will fit your decor. We hope you have enjoyed this introduction to the world of lipstick plants and will give one or more a try in your home or garden.


Hey I'm Jack. I have been a qualified professional landscape gardener for over 10 years and I'm here to share all my experience with you on Pehow!

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