Can lavender grow in shade? : Expert Gardening Advice

Growing lavender in shade

I have been distraught for a few days because my lavender has been in the shade for a long time. Lavender shade is not a concern. The concern is that my plants are not growing flowers.

Lavender can grow in the shade, but its growth will be stunted. This is because lavender needs a lot of sunlight to grow properly. If you want your lavender to grow well, give it at least 4 hours of sunlight per day.

U.S. report found that just 4 hours of sunlight are enough to trigger the lavender’s growth hormone. So, if you are growing lavender in shady areas, don’t be too discouraged. The plant will still manage to produce some flowers. Just don’t expect it to reach its full potential.

Lavender thrives in sunny, well-drained locations. If you live in an area with hot summers, choose a spot that gets afternoon shade. This will protect the plant from the harsh afternoon sun and prevent the leaves from scorching. In cooler climates, the full sun is best to ensure good flower production.

If your garden doesn’t provide the right conditions for lavender, you can grow the plants in containers. This way, you can move them around to find the perfect spot. Make sure the pots have drainage holes and use a well-drained potting mix. Water regularly and fertilize monthly during the growing season.

Why do lavender plants need full sun?

Why do lavender plants need full sun

Lavender plants need full sun to bloom and produce their characteristic fragrance. They will grow but not flower in shaded areas, and their leaves will be smaller and less fragrant.

This is because lavender plants need a lot of sunlight to produce the oils that give them their aroma. If you are growing lavender in a shady area, you can try moving it to a sunnier spot during the summer months or consider growing a different type of lavender that is more shade-tolerant.

1. How much sunlight do lavender flowers need?

Lavender plants are native to the Mediterranean region and grow in sunny, dry conditions. In these conditions, lavender plants can thrive with as little as four hours of sunlight per day.

In cooler climates like the UK, lavender plants need full sun to produce abundant flowers. In shady areas, they will still grow and flower, but the flowers will be smaller, and the plants may not be as fragrant.

2. When is the flowering time?

Lavender is a flowering plant that can grow in either full sun or partial shade. The best time to plant lavender is early spring before the flowers bloom. Lavender typically blooms in late June or early July.

3. How often should water be watered before flowering?

The amount of water a lavender plant needs can vary depending on the climate, so it is essential to do some research to determine how often to water your lavender plant. In general, lavender plants need to be watered about every other day to encourage blooming.

However, you will want to adjust the watering schedule depending on the weather conditions in your area. If it is particularly hot and dry, you may need to water your lavender plant more frequently.

Conversely, if the weather is cooler and wetter, you may need to water your lavender plant less often. Ultimately, you will want to keep an eye on your lavender plant and adjust the watering schedule as needed to ensure that the plant remains healthy and blooms beautifully.

What are the benefits of sunlight for lavender plants?

Lavender plants require plenty of sunlight to grow and bloom properly. While they tolerate shade, they will not flower as prolifically in shadier conditions.

Sunlight provides plants with energy to produce essential oil, which is responsible for their signature scent. In addition, lavender plants need direct sun exposure to produce Vitamin D, which is necessary for their overall health.

1. Grows appropriately in direct sunlight

Lavender provides nutrients through direct sunlight, so it is crucial to ensure that your plant gets at least six hours of sunlight each day.

However, lavender can also grow in partial shade, so some afternoon shade may be beneficial if you live in an area with scorching summers. Lavender does not tolerate full shade, however, so ensure that it still receives some direct sunlight daily.

2. Direct Sunlight Reduces Risk of Disease

A great deal of research suggests that direct sunlight can reduce the risk of disease. For example, one study found that spending time in direct sunlight can help to boost the immune system and protect against infection.

Additionally, exposure to sunlight is beneficial for conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and other skin conditions.

3. Direct sunlight reduces pests

Direct sunlight also dries the soil, reducing pests and disease problems. However, too much sun can scorch lavender leaves, so it’s important to provide some shade during the hottest hours of the day.

Shade Tolerant Lavender Varieties

Shade Tolerant Lavender Varieties

Lavender is a versatile plant used for various purposes, from aromatherapy to landscaping. Lavender is an excellent option if you want a plant that can thrive in shaded areas. Many varieties of lavender are tolerant of shady conditions so that you can find the perfect one for your garden or home.

Some of the most shade-tolerant lavender varieties include:

1. English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

English Lavender is a popular variety of lavender known for its tolerance of shaded areas. It grows best in areas that receive full sun to partial sun, but it can also grow in shaded areas if necessary. English Lavender has a sweet, floral scent often used in aromatherapy. It can add color and fragrance to gardens, landscapes, and homes.

2. French Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)

The French Lavender plant is a beautiful addition to any garden and can thrive in full sun and partial shade conditions. Many gardeners choose to grow this plant in areas that receive some shade, as it does well in moist soil and can tolerate humidity.

The French Lavender plant produces lovely purple flowers that are highly fragrant, making them an excellent addition to any garden or landscape. If you’re looking for a beautiful, fragrant plant that can tolerate a bit of shade, the French Lavender is a great choice!

3. Spanish Lavender (Lavandula x intermedia)

Spanish Lavender, also known as Lavandula x intermedia, is a hybrid of two species of lavender: Lavandula stoechas and Lavandula angustifolia. It is a perennial evergreen that grows up to 2 feet tall and produces fragrant purple flowers from late spring to early summer. Spanish Lavender is tolerant of partial shade, but it will produce more flowers if grown in full sun.

4. Lavandin Hybrids

Lavandin Hybrids cross two types of lavender plants, English Lavender and Spike Lavender. They are hardy plants that can grow in a variety of climates. Lavandin Hybrids are frost and heat-tolerant and can grow in partial shade to full sun. They have a strong fragrance that is similar to lavender but with a slightly sharper scent.

Shade intolerant lavender varieties

Shade intolerant lavender varieties

There are a few lavender varieties that are shade intolerant. This means that these varieties need full sun to grow well. If planted in too much shade, they will not grow as tall or flower as abundantly as they would in full sun. However, this does not mean that you can’t plant lavender in shady areas; it just means that you need to choose one of the shade-intolerant varieties.

Shade intolerant lavender varieties include:


Munstead is a popular lavender variety that is shade intolerant. If planted in too much shade, it will not grow as tall or flower as abundantly as it would in full sun. However, this does not mean that you cannot plant Munstead in shady areas; it just means that you need to choose one of the shade-intolerant varieties.

Other Shade Intolerant Varieties

Other shade intolerant lavender varieties include:

  • Royal Velvet
  • Ballerina
  • Blue Cushion
  • Thumbelina Leigh
  • Grosso
  • Lacy Frills
  • SuperBlue
  • Crystal Lights
  • Lavenite Petite
  • Hidcote
  • Alba
  • Impress Purple
  • Hidcote Giant
  • Phenomenal
  • Sensational
  • Nana Alba
  • Betty’s Blue
  • Alba White Grosso
  • Celestial Star
  • Pastor’s Pride
  • Van Gogh

Does Lavender Need Sunlight in Winter?

Yes, lavender needs sunlight in winter. The plant needs at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to produce flowers. When the days get shorter in the fall, the plant will produce fewer flowers. If the plant doesn’t get enough sunlight, it will become dormant and won’t bloom again until spring.

Lavender is a sun-loving plant, so it’s important to give it a sunny spot in your garden. It will do best in a location with full sun for most of the day. If you live in an area with hot summers, you may need to provide some afternoon shade to prevent the leaves from burning.

How do you Revive a Dying Lavender Plant?

Lavender can be tricky to grow, as it prefers well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. However, if your lavender plant is starting to look a bit wilted, there are a few things you can do to revive it.

The most important thing is ensuring the plant gets enough water. If the soil is dry, give the plant a good watering until the top few inches of soil are wet. You can also try spraying the leaves with water to help them recover.

If the plant is in direct sunlight, try moving it to a shadier spot. Or, if it’s in a pot, you can move it to a shady spot outside. And finally, make sure the plant is getting enough nutrients by adding some organic fertilizer to the soil.

Final Thoughts

Lavender plants are great additions to your home or garden. They are easy to care for and can tolerate a variety of climates. However, it’s important to choose the right variety of lavender for your location, as some varieties are shade intolerant and need full sun to grow well.

If your lavender plant is not getting enough sunlight, try moving it to a sunnier spot. You can also try adding some organic fertilizer to the soil to help it get the nutrients it needs.

Finally, ensure the plant gets enough water by watering it deeply and regularly. With a bit of care, your lavender plant will bloom in no time!

I hope this article was helpful. If you have any further questions about growing lavender in the shade, please feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!


Hey I'm Jack. I have been a qualified professional landscape gardener for over 10 years and I'm here to share all my experience with you on Pehow!

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